Tricor (generic name: fenofibrate) targets “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and fats such as triglycerides, and raises “good” (HDL) cholesterol. Tricor increases natural enzymes that break down fats in the blood. Tricor has proven effective in reducing symptoms and recovery time of COVID-19 patients in recent Israeli studies.
Tricor (generic name: fenofibrate) was patented in 1969, and has been prescribed for more than fifty years as a generic fat-lowering treatment for patients with raised levels of cholesterol. It is used especially to target “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and fats such as triglycerides, and to raise “good” (HDL) cholesterol in the blood. It works by increasing the natural enzymes that break down fats in the blood. In recent studies in Israel, in a trial of 1500 admitted COVID patients, thirteen were already on a regular regimen of fenofibrate to reduce their lipid levels, and had been doing so before the coronavirus infected them. The observed effect was that these thirteen patients recovered far faster than expected from virus-induced pneumonia. Had these 13 patients responded to COVID-19 with the same level of severity as the others in the study, expectations would have been for at least two deaths, but in fact there were none. What’s more, the likelihood was for at least six ICU admissions for the fenofibrate patients, but there was only one ICU admission. For the 1500 patients in the study, it was taking on average about 14 days to resolve their pneumonia, and although all the patients taking fenofibrate had developed pneumonia, it took them less than half that time to recover – just three to five days. Read more here